Pregnancy and Infant Loss Support

Pregnancy and Infant Loss Support

Are you completely and utterly heartbroken after the loss of your child through miscarriage, stillbirth, or infant loss? Do you feel overwhelmed and flooded by intense feelings while you watch your partner and family move on? Have you wondered why it hurts so much when you hardly even had the chance to hold your baby much less get to know their little personality?

From the moment you began to accept your pregnancy and started to believe you would someday hold that baby in your arms, you were their mom and you felt a connection to your child. You may have lost your child during pregnancy or early infancy, but you still lost your child. All of your hopes and dreams for that baby and your family have been shattered and it hurts.

Your friends and family may not understand your grief. You might feel totally alone. You found yourself dreaming of who this child might be and you now have an empty space where your baby should be.

Do I need therapy after pregnancy and infant loss?

It’s heartbreaking to lose a child at any point. You may feel completely alone in your pain, but you are not alone. 1 in 4 women will experience pregnancy loss and 1 in 100 pregnancies end in stillbirth.

You might feel stunned or shocked after the loss. You might be asking, “Why me?” You might be struggling with feelings of guilt, anger, despair, sadness, anxiety. I often hear women say they feel like they are screaming in a crowded room, yet no one hears them. These emotions are all normal reactions to pregnancy and infant loss.

Surviving the pain of pregnancy and infant loss is possible. You may never forget this child, but you can find hope, healing, and meaning. I am specially trained and have walked this journey; and, regardless of whether you have experienced a miscarriage, stillbirth, infant death, or are pregnant following a loss I am here for you.

Tips for coping with pregnancy and infant loss

  • Turn to loved ones and friends for support.
  • Share your feelings and ask for help when you need it.
  • Talk to your partner about your loss. Keep in mind that people cope with loss in different ways and those differences do not mean your partner or family care any less about your or your baby.
  • Take care of yourself physically. Eating healthy foods, keeping active, and getting enough sleep will help restore energy and well-being.
  • Join a support group. A support group might help you to feel less alone.
  • Do something in remembrance of your baby.
  • Seek help from a counselor specially trained in pregnancy and infant loss, especially if your grief doesn’t ease with time.


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